Sunday, November 9, 2008

Olivia'a first piano recital

Olivia was very nervous prior to the recital and begged to be released of the odious task. When her turn arrived, however, she bravely stepped forward and confidently, perfectly, played her pieces. Mom and Dad were bursting with pride, how could our little person be so grown up?

Here is a pre-recital photo of Olivia and Chris thumb wrestling to reduce nervous tension. Olivia retains her champion status, she whooped him in rock-paper-scissors, too.

Olivia wanted to use the camera as a reward for playing today, so she took my photo and a shot of her new snow boots whilst on the way home. It snowed about two inches today.

1 comment:

Clint, Tanya, Dane and Kimber said...

Great job Olivia!!! That was awesome, and I love your boots!
Sorry that it's so snowy and cold there! We'll try to send some of our mild weather your way!